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Discovery and happiness project

What wild spirits truly search for

March 17 2015 , Written by Sophie Published on #Quotes and poetry

What wild spirits truly search for

Here is a sum up of what we like and admire within free-spirit people.

What we admire while standing alongside with them is their ability to wish and take from life what they truly expect. But also to reject and be able to say no to what they don’t want, how attractive, glimmering or topical it could be. As we can’t get everything, it’s indeed a matter of choices.

Read this we you wonder what to do in order to become the burgeoning person speaking inside you. We are all strong enough to find within ourselves the strength to make our choices.


“Give me things and I’ll ask for moments, give me clothes and I’ll ask for books. Give me routine and I’ll ask for adventure. Bring me to a tidy and organized city and I’ll ask for mountains, seas and stormy wind. For the intoxicating heavy sun, pressing the mind, leaving it in a stationed comfortable condition and liberating profound energies. Give me an unsatisfactory job - however well-paid it could be - and I’ll ask for the insecurity of green and faraway empty landscapes. Give me ornamented lies or embellished words and I’ll ask for the truth, how disturbing it could be. Give me a reasonable love and I’ll ask for burning passion, deeply moving emotions and feelings. Give me protected atmospheres and I’ll ask the new of exhilarating ambiances. Give me money and I’ll ask for freedom”.

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