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Discovery and happiness project

The best is yet to come

March 22 2015 , Written by Sophie Published on #Quotes and poetry

The best is yet to come

“If you’re tired of travelling along that narrow tunnel, glancing around for light. Expecting a change, even a small signal from the universe whispering something great is about to happen. That you deserve it.

If you feel misfit where you currently stand. Releasing distinct colors and waves.

If you’re trying to gather your courage for something higher or stronger, above all closer to yourself.

If you’ve not found yet this wonderful place where the most confident and interesting part of your soul will find its mode of expression. You already hear this little melody within yourself, you could almost catch it. It’s your jewel, your powerful word, but it remains jammed, stuck in your throat and heart for now.

If your dream is to let it bloom and dawn.

If you wish to find your path. In order to go and live in that dreamed wonderland. The place that holds small parts of your secret garden, twinkling around as gemstones. Where people values speak your language. Where words fly from their mouths to your eyes and turn directly into sparkles. Where you recognize within their passionate souls the expression of your audacity and weirdness. Where you would like to sit, rest and remain for hours, days and years as in a comfortable sofa basking in the sun.

If you’ve not found this place yet, you need to look for more. Of course you deserve more...

Then you need to move. Experiment the new. Explore.

Don’t settle. Learn to say no.

Be confident. Boldness and perseverance will lead you there.”


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